Hot Pot&BBQ

We're passionate about helping you bring customers together for a unique and seamless hot pot and BBQ
experience with our hot pot restaurant POS system, E-menu, menu sorting, and table management system.

Streamline Operations

Increase order efficiency with handheld POS and iPad order.

Manage you Cloud Menu anywhere and anytime, add new items and update price with one click.

Improving Customer Experience

Optimize seating arrangement with table management system, reduce customer wait time and improve customer dining experience

Browse through vivid E-menu with carefully selected dish picture and smart menu sorting interface, make better order decisions

Smart Inventory Management

MenuSifu's inventory management system allows you to keep track of your inventory in real-time, ensuring that you always have the right ingredients and supplies on hand. 

Reduce waste and prevent stockouts, resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective operation.

Recommended Products for Full Service Restaurants

Everything you need in one POS system

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